Electronic Procurement

a system that refers to the use of electronic technology, especially the internet, to simplify and improve the process of procuring or purchasing goods and services in an organization or business

Highlight eProcurement

The process of procuring goods and services using information technology and electronic platforms

Compliance and Audit

eProcurement helps ensure compliance with company policies and regulations, as well as providing easily accessible transaction records for audit purposes

Efficiency and Cost Savings

process automation, eProcurement can improve operational efficiency, reduce administrative costs, and provide opportunities for better price negotiations.

Contract Management

eProcurement assists in managing contracts with suppliers. Contract information, deadlines, and other requirements can be accessed online.

Monitoring and Reporting

The eProcurement platform provides monitoring and reporting tools that enable management to track procurement status, vendor performance, and costs.

Integrated with company systems

Can be integrated with internal company systems to automate tax compliance